The Bet


The Bet (season 2, unaired)

written by Larry Charles, directed by Tom Cherones
intended airdate: February 13, 1991

In an infamous Seinfeld history moment, the episode “The Bet” made it all the way to table reads, before an uncomfortable cast, crew and network protested the story, due to the controversial episode theme of gun control. “The Phone Message” was written and aired in its place. The 2004 Seinfeld Season 2 DVD outlines the storyline, which featured Elaine betting Jerry on whether she would buy a handgun, and Kramer claiming he had sex with a stewardess during a flight from Puerto Rico. In 2024, a first draft of the script was released, which offered more details into the storyline.


The Improv is not mentioned as being featured in the first draft of the abandoned script.

Jerry’s Apartment
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Jerry and George question Kramer on the validity of his flight attendant tryst in Puerto Rico, before Kramer tells Elaine he has a firearms contact in Mo Korn.

Monk’s Café
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Elaine reveals her plan to purchase a gun to Jerry and George following a mugging in her building.

England, UNITED KINGDOM (map)
In the first draft of the abandoned script, George struggles to remember a joke he thinks Jerry should include in his act, which starts with ‘why’d the Siamese twins go to England,’ but he fails to remember the rest of the joke…until Jerry reminds him the punchline at the end of their meal (‘it’s so the other one could drive’).

Elaine’s Apartment
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Elaine shocks Jerry and George by stating she intends to buy a handgun for protection, after she tells them a woman in her building was mugged the previous evening, the sixth person she knows who were mugged in the past year.

George’s Apartment
In the first draft of the abandoned script, George claims that after his apartment was broken into a few times, he kept a sword under his bed for protection.

Central Park
New York, New York (map)
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Elaine argues against Jerry’s positive outlook on society in regards to getting a gun by proclaiming “why don’t you get a basket of posies, sow the seed of love in Central Park about 1 A.M. and see what kind of solutions you get!”

In the abandoned script, Kramer returns from a vacation in Puerto Rico, where he claims he had sex with a flight attendant in a row of seats on the return trip to New York.

Miami, FLORIDA (map)
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Kramer claims he can still get half off airfare due to a professional discount he gets from his ex-brother-in-law, Dave Zweig, who is an airline mechanic in Miami.

1000 3rd Ave., New York, NEW YORK
nearest subway: Lexington Avenue – 59th Street (N,Q,R)
In the first draft of the abandoned script, when Jerry finds out Elaine went handgun shopping, he sarcastically asks ‘did Bloomie’s have a sale?'”

Mo Korn’s
New York, NEW YORK

In the first draft of the abandoned script, Kramer convinces Elaine to buy a handgun from Mo Korn, a sketchy character who lives with his mother in Jerry’s old building. The gang pays a visit to the Korns, where Elaine nearly buys a gun from Mo, and Jerry and Kramer are annoyed by Mrs. Korn, and Mo’s friends Chicky and Mintz. While no establishing shot was obviously ever used to demonstrate the building’s location, this is presumably the building Jerry grew up in, as Mrs. Korn tells Jerry to tell his mother “Muriel from the old building says hello.”

Times Square
W 42nd St., New York, NEW YORK
nearest subway: Times Square – 42nd Street (1,2,3,7,N,Q,R,S)
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Mo, Chicky and Mintz try to convince Jerry and Kramer to join them in meeting women at 42nd Street, with Mo reminding Jerry that ‘Times Square’s open twenty four hours.”

Dealey Plaza Historic District
411 Elm St., Dallas, TEXAS
In the abandoned script, Elaine holds a gun to her head and asks Jerry “Where do you want it, the Kennedy? The McKinley?” This is in reference to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, by a bullet to the head, in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Temple Of Music (NOW CLOSED)
34 Fordham Dr., Buffalo, NEW YORK
In the abandoned script, Elaine holds a gun to her stomach and asks Jerry “Where do you want it, the Kennedy? The McKinley?” This is in reference to the assassination of U.S. President William McKinley, by a bullet to the stomach, in Buffalo on September 14, 1901.

Ford’s Theatre
511 10th St. NW, WASHINGTON, D.C.
In the first draft of the abandoned script, Elaine holds a gun to her head and says to Jerry “Maybe I’ll take a little off the top,” to which Jerry replies “Ah, the Lincoln.” This is in reference to the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, by a bullet to the top of the head, in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865.

Queens, NEW YORK
In the abandoned script, Jerry, George and Elaine travel to the airport, to question the flight attendant about her supposed tryst with Kramer, to settle Jerry and George’s bet over the story’s validity. The script details never reveal which airport the gang visits.

Greater Rochester International Airport
1200 Brooks Ave., Rochester, NEW YORK
In the abandoned script, George, acting as a reporter to question the stewardess Kramer supposedly slept with, introduces Elaine and Jerry as his wife Amanda and her cousin, who are “going to Rochester on the 1:15, and they’re a little early so they’d just like to listen.”

Flagstaff, ARIZONA (map)
In the first draft of the abandoned script, George reads a letter addressed to Kramer from Connie the flight attendant, which says she has given up her life as a flight attendant, and inviting Kramer to look her up if he is ever in her new home of Flagstaff.




Nickname: The Constitution State
Population: 3,565,278 (2019)
Capital: Hartford


The Stake Out
After finding out Elaine is dating a stockbroker, Jerry replies with a sarcastic “Ah! High finance! Bulls, bears, people from Connecticut…”

Danbury, CONNECTICUT (map)
The Baby Shower
Elaine says her roommate Tina got sick “during the love-in” during an outdoor production of “Hair” in Danbury.

The Chaperone
Miss Connecticut was one of the three delegates for the Miss America pageant that were at the Yankee game, where Jerry asks out Miss Rhode Island.

The Bottle Deposit
Kramer mentions the 5 cent bottle refund is offered in various states, including Connecticut.




Location: North America
Languages: Spanish
Population: 17,109,746 (2021)
Capital: Guatemala City


The Jacket
Alton Benes mentions to Jerry and George that he served in Guatemala in 1953, helping to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

The Fusilli Jerry
Kramer mentions to the gang that Dr. Bakersol worked on a kid from Guatemala with no nose, and “turned him into Ricardo Montalban.”




Location: Europe
Languages: Irish, English
Population: 4,977,400 (2020)
Capital: Dublin


The Phone Message
Jerry challenges Donna to try her Scottish accent, which Donna notes sounds more Irish, to which Jerry replies “Irish, Scottish, what’s the difference lassie?”

Dublin, IRELAND (map)
The Limo
Jerry claims that he, as Dylan Murphy, is from Dublin, and that he emigrated to America due to a cereal famine. When his accent is deciphered by Tim as being more Scottish, Jerry claims “they were right on the border” (although Ireland and Scotland are divided by the Irish Sea and the North Channel).

The Reverse Peephole
After George claims he needs everything in his wallet, Jerry discovers Irish pounds in there, to which George proclaims “I might go there!”

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico


Location: North America
Languages: Spanish, English
Population: 3,193,694 (2019)
Capital: San Juan


The Bet
In the abandoned script, Kramer returns from a vacation in Puerto Rico, where he claims he had sex with a flight attendant in a row of seats on the return trip to New York.

The Implant
Kramer borrows Jerry’s bathing suit for his trip to Puerto Rico, revealing that Jerry and Elaine once went there together in front of Sidra.

The Puerto Rican Day
The gang gets stuck in traffic during the Puerto Rican day parade, celebrating the people and culture of the island (Kramer: “it’s like this every day in Puerto Rico!”). Kramer gets attacked for accidentally stomping on the Puerto Rican flag, trying to put it out after accidentally setting it on fire.




Location: Asia
Languages: English, Malay, Chinese, Tamil
Population: 5,685,807 (2020)
Capital: Singapore


The Statue
Ray mentions the owner of the pawn shop has closed his store and moved to Singapore, thus being unable to prove true ownership of the statue Jerry believes he stole.




Location: Europe
Languages: Polish
Population: 38,244,000 (2021)
Capital: Warsaw


Krakow, POLAND (map)
The Pony Remark
Manya mentions she had a pony in Poland following Jerry’s infamous remark. Later, at her funeral, the funeral director describes her pony as “The Pride of Krakow.”

POLAND (map)
The Raincoats
Newman tells Morty and Helen that Jerry “was moving on her (Rachel) like the stormtroopers into Poland!” when he caught them making out at a showing of “Schindler’s List.”

POLAND (map)
The Yada Yada
Jerry believes if Dr. Whatley, now a convert to Judaism, also gets Polish citizenship, “there’ll be no stopping him!” joke-wise.




Nickname: The Evergreen State
Population: 7,614,893 (2019)
Capital: Olympia


Yakima, WASHINGTON (map)
The Busboy
Jerry guesses that Elaine’s new boyfriend is from Yakima.

Seattle, WASHINGTON (map)
The Busboy
Elaine hosts her boyfriend Ed from Seattle, but desperately tries getting rid of him. Jerry claims that Seattle is “the pesto of cities.”

SeaTac Plaza Hotel (NOT REAL)

The Diplomat’s Club
On the whiteboard behind George in his office, a listing for “SEATAC PLAZA HOTEL” is visible, next to a list of games against the Seattle Mariners.

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
17801 International Blvd., Seattle, WASHINGTON
The Diplomat’s Club
As part of their ongoing arrivals / departures bets, Kramer bets on Seattle, while Earl bets on Mexico City (Earl wins).

Seattle, WASHINGTON (map)
The Yada Yada
Marcy mentions to George how her ex-boyfriend came over before moving to Seattle, and yada yada yada, she’s really tired.

Pacific Northwest
The Reverse Peephole
Newman tells Kramer that he learned to climb trees (like “a ring-tailed lemur,” according to Kramer) in the Pacific Northwest. The American side of the Pacific Northwest is traditionally understood to be Washington and Oregon.




Location: Europe
Languages: Finnish, Swedish
Population: 5,508,198 (2021)
Capital: Helsinki


The Robbery
Elaine claims that moving to Jerry’s apartment would be a step up for her, “like moving from Iceland to Finland.”

The Statue
Jerry mentions that Elaine’s friend Rava’s (from Finland) boyfriend will be cleaning his apartment; Jerry replies with “I know Finland – they’re neutral.”




Nickname: The Green Mountain State
Population: 623,989 (2019)
Capital: Montpelier


The Stock Tip
Jerry and Vanessa spend the weekend in Vermont, with Jerry obsessing over his stock tip. Jerry mentions he also wants to catch “a big, fighting marlin” while there.

grocery store
The Stock Tip
Jerry and Vanessa visit a grocery store in Vermont, with Jerry still talking about the stock.

The Deal
Jerry imagines a future without Elaine, where in five years she’s married to a sculptor and living in Vermont.

The Bottle Deposit
Kramer mentions the 5 cent bottle refund is offered in various states, including Vermont.

The Van Buren Boys
Jerry plans four days at a bed and breakfast here with Ellen, when he is intervened by George and Kramer, as he is told she’s dating a loser.